M. Verónica Arís Zlatar
Translated by Dorion Cairns
Tranducido por Mario A. Presas
§23 Preparation for a pregnant concept of constitution, under the titles “reason” and “unreason
P1 The preparation for a pregnant concept of constitution –that was considered as a correlation between cogitatio and cogitata- is going to inquire the phenomenological origin of the objective sense of what is meant, i.e., in view of its being or not being, and its modalities of being as possible or impossible, and so on, in the broad sense of the distinction between reason and unreason.
P2 With reason we are referring to possibilities of verification of what is primarily meant, and with verification making evident and having as evident.
§24 Evidence as itself-givenness and the modifications of evidence
P1 “Evidence” denotes a universal primal phenomenon of intentional life, and consists in the self-appearance, the self-exhibiting, the self-giving, of an affair, an affair complex (or state of affairs), a universality, a value, or other objectivity, in the final mode: “itself there”, immediately intuited”, / “given originaliter”.
P2 Evidence is a concept that is correlated not only with concepts as being and non-being, but also as being possible, probable, or doubtful.
§25 Actuality and quasi-actuality
P1 All these concepts (being, non-being, being-possible, being-probable, being- doubtful) are bifurcated by the difference between actuality and phantasy (as-if actuality), that is correlative to the difference between “positionality” (as a believe which constitute the thesis of reality of natural attitude) and the “quasi-positionality” (which is the one that is abstained of any metaphysical prejudice), letting arise a new universal concept of possibility (that is in strict sense the phenomenological one).
§26 Actuality as the correlate of evident verification
P1 The regularity of the relation between those concepts of formal logic -with their formal ontological universality- and the universal conformity to laws of structure on the part of conscious life must be studied in view of the evidence, according to its transcendental verification synthesis.
§27 Habitual and potential evidence as functioning constitutively for the sense “existing object”
P1 This synthesis of verification is not merely a really intrinsic moment of the flow of the living experience of evidence and its verification. What we have here is an ideal immanence, which is as an abiding possession constituting me as a positing “I can” motivated to return always again to some intentions by potential evidence.
P2 Thus, we have in first place the potentiality of the infinity of intentions of every kind that relate to something identical (&19) but also the potentiality of verifying these intentions, that are repeatable in infinitum.
§28 Presumptive evidence of world-experience. The world as an idea correlative to a perfect experiential evidence
P1 The evidence of the objective world and particular objects is essentially necessary given one-sidedness, by an incomplete system of verification and fulfilment, i.e., by an inadequate evidence. However, its verification is the “external experience” if it has the form of a harmonious (concordant) synthesis.
P2 Only an uncovering of the horizon of experience ultimately clarifies the “actuality” and the “transcendence” of the world, showing the world to be inseparable from transcendental subjectivity, which constitutes actuality of being and sense.
§29 Material and formal ontological regions as indexes pointing to transcendental systems of evidence
P1 The different systems of evidence can be integrated by the unity of an identifying synthesis, in which the idea of adequate or absolute evidence guides the clarification of the actual evidence in its essential structure of the dimensions of infinity that make up systematically the ideal infinite synthesis of this evidence. This is the task of the transcendental constitution of existing objectivity, whose clarification is undertaken by the theory of original time-consciousness, wherein temporal data are constituted.
M. Verónica Arís Zlatar
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